Friday, March 6, 2015

Endorsements Keep Pouring in for STL Candidates

Two years ago, the Support the Library Carol Stream (STL) organization was formed to support five excellent candidates for the Library Board. At that time, the community was outraged by the disgraceful actions of several members of the existing Board, and the candidates backed by the STL Committee promised to restore ethical conduct and fiscal responsibility to the Board. The editors of the Carol Stream Examiner endorsed the STL slate of candidates and were joined by former Director Lynn O'Dell and a long list of respected citizens who also enthusiastically supported our candidates.

Voters in Carol Stream elected all five STL candidates in 2013 by wide margins, and the five trustees have done well to restore dignity and respect to the Library Board. The job is still unfinished, however, since two carryovers from the old regime (David DeRango and Dominick Jeffrey) have chosen to run again. The STL Committee has responded with the selection of three excellent and highly qualified candidates who will complete the task of restoring responsible leadership to the Board that we started two years ago. Once again, a long list of respected residents have endorsed these candidates, and so we urge voters to join them and elect these three excellent candidates as Library Board trustees in April:

Justin Lynch
Nancy Bagdonas
David Larimer

2015 STL Endorsements:

Cindy Allston - Citizen of the Year, 2002
Jim Bailey - Library Trustee; Citizen of the Year, 2003; Vietnam Veteran; 33 year resident
Leigh Bailey - Retired Educator; 33 year resident
Jim Benzin - Navy Veteran, Vietnam War; Retired Educator;  21 year resident
Peggy Benzin - Friends of the Library Volunteer; 21 year resident
Patricia Betlejewski - Business Owner: Budget Blinds; 10 year resident
Craig Cronquist - Attorney; 6 year resident
Don Depa - Educator, Glenbard North; long-time resident
Maria Depa - Special Citizen of the Year 2007;  long-time resident
Mary Douglas - Friends of the Library President; 30 year resident
Larry Evans - Business Owner: Graphic Vision, Inc.; 36 year resident
Sue Evans - Four Time Special Citizen of the Year Nominee; 36 year resident 
Rick Fisher - Carol Stream Fire Protection District Trustee
Rick Gieser - Civic Leader; Village Board Trustee; 40+ year resident
Dr. Bonita Berryman Gilliam - Library Trustee
Dr. David Akbar Gilliam - University Professor
Ginny Goldbach - Special Citizen of the Year, 1995; 25 year resident
Mary Hudspeath - Former Library Board Trustee; Citizen of the Year nominee 2012
Beryl E. Jacobson - Former Pres., Forest Glen Townhome Owners Assn; 12 year resident
Brian Jordan - Carol Stream Fire Protection District Trustee
Ed Jourdan - Current Library Board Trustee, Friends of the Library, VP; 33 year resident
Linda Keen - Special Citizen of the Year 2013;  Business Owner: Massage Clinique
Ann Kennedy - Former C.S. Library Director
Mary Heitert - Business Owner: The Mystery Shop; 32 year resident
Susan Lynch - 30+ year resident
Dick Marchessault - Friends of the Library, Membership Chair; Retired Educator
Ellen Marchessalt - Retired Library employee; 30 year resident
Bob McNees - Attorney; Special Citizen of the Year 1987; Former Rotary Club Pres.
Lynn O'Dell - Retired Library Director 1964-2005; 55 year resident
Roger Petty - 2 year resident
Laura Pollastrini - DuPage Cty Regional Board of Schools, Former Library Board Trustee
Greg Schwarze - Carol Stream Fire Fighter, Civic Leader; 15 year resident
Asif Sheikh - 7 year resident
Nadia Sheikh - Current Library Board Trustee; 7 year resident
Barb Siegman - Former Library Board President; CS Woman's Club; 25 year resident
Earl Smith - Retired Educator & Assistant Principal; 51 year resident
Jan Smith - Special Citizen of the Year 1972; Former Library Board Trustee
Luanne Triolo Newman - Special Citizen of the year 2006; Citizen of the Year 1992