"The drama surrounding this library board has been widely reported and keenly felt by library patrons. A major housecleaning is in order, and a group of very active and concerned library patrons has stepped forward with mops in hand.
The five candidates put forward by the Support the Library organization are: Bonita Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, Edward Jourdan, Nadia Sheikh, and incumbent Jim Bailey. Their distinguished records of professional achievement and public service can be viewed at stlcarolstream.blogspot.com under the "Meet the Candidates" tab. The blog also provides an extensive history of the library and the central players involved in recent years.
The new candidates Gilliam, Johnson, Jourdan, and Sheikh are endorsed."
We are grateful for the above endorsement by the Examiner, and it speaks volumes for the qualifications of the five outstanding STL candidates. The editors also rightly assess the current problems on the Library Board when they state that "a major housecleaning is in order." The editors further cite the candidate's "distinguished records of professional achievement and public service," qualifications that were also recognized by the long list of respected Carol Stream residents listed below who have also thrown their support behind Jim Bailey, Bonita Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, Edward Jourdan, and Nadia Sheikh:
Lynn O'Dell-Library Director 1964-2005. 53 year resident of Carol Stream
Mary Hudspeath- Library Trustee, Citizen of the Year nominee, 2012
Barb Siegman- Former Library Trustee, President, Friends of the Library
Dr. Jeffrey Handel,DDS- Former Library Trustee, Carol Stream business owner
Robert Ranck- Former Library Trustee
Laura Pollastrini- Former Library Trustee, 35 Year Carol Stream resident
Laurie Nowak - DuPage County Board Member District 6.
Rick Gieser- Former Carol Stream Village Board Trustee; Citizen of the Year, 2011
Matt McCarthy- Current Carol Stream Village Trustee
Pamela Fenner- Current Carol Stream Village Trustee
Greg Schwarze- Carol Stream Fire Department, Current Village Trustee
Rick Fisher- Carol Stream Fire Protection District
Brian Jordan- Carol Stream Fire Protection District Commissioner
Arnie Biondo- Executive Director, Carol Stream Park District
Nancy Biondo- OT Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital
Robert A. McNees- Attorney, Citizen of the Year, 1987
Jan Smith-Former Library Trustee, Special Citizen of the Year, 1972
Larry and Sue Evans- Owners, Graphic Vision, Inc. Carol Stream , 34 year residents
Cindy Allston- Carol Stream resident and 2002 Citizen of the Year
Lila Birchfield- Glenbard North teacher, (retired)
Dr. David Akbar Gilliam- DePaul University Professor
Solomon D. Gilliam- Attorney at Law
Jane Glenn- Carol Stream Realtor
Mary Douglas- 28 year Carol Stream resident.
Nancy Bagdonas- Carol Stream Resident and 2012 Citizen of the Year nominee
Jane Hodgkinson-Retired Executive Director of WDSRA
Suzanne J. Carlstadt-33 year Carol Stream resident, member Cool City Carol Stream
Luanne Triolo Newman- Citizen of the Year, 1992; Special Citizen of the Year, 2006
Joan G. Lapish- 16 year Carol Stream resident
Liz Bryers-15 year resident, Special Citizen of the Year, 2008
Bob Barrell - Former Library Trustee, 43 year resident
Ginny Goldbach- Special Citizen of the Year, 1995
Don Depa- Long-time Resident, Glenbard North Teacher
Maria Depa- Long-time resident, Special Citizen of the Year, 2007
Dick Wilson- Citizen of the Year, 1991, Special Citizen of the Year, 1994
Del Miller- President, Carol Stream Fire Protection District
Judy Zika- Citizen of the Year, 1999, Special Citizen of the Year, 2004
Darrel Malcom- Executive Director, Kids Against Hunger; Pastor, Poplar Creek Church
Suzanne Hlotke- 33 year Carol Stream resident
Dan Bird- Carol Stream Park District Commissioner
Election Day is April 9 and Early Voting is already underway. Please help us to "take our library back" by voting for these outstanding candidates for the Library Board.