Jim Bailey
Jim Bailey is
married with four daughters and has been a respected and active member
of the Carol Stream Library Board for eight years. Jim received the Carol Stream Citizen of the Year Award in 2003 in recognition for his outstanding work in the community. He is a retired
business executive and entrepreneur. Jim was first elected to the Board
in 2005. The experience he brings to the Board includes eight years in
the U.S. Air Force, 50 years of work experience and 31 years as a
resident of Carol Stream. He is a decorated and disabled veteran of the
Vietnam War. Jim was re-elected to the Board in 2011, and his current
term will expire in 2013. He was a Past-President of the Rotary Club of
Carol Stream and has been active as a church elder at Heritage Presbyterian Church for the past twenty years. He believes that the
Library is a key asset in the village and that the main role of the
Library Board is to support the efforts of the professional librarians
and staff members who have been hired to manage and carry out all
library operations.
Here are Jim's responses to the candidate profile recently printed in the Daily Herald that will help voters get a better sense of his qualifications and his positive vision for our library:
Do you support the board's
decision to put the library's Kuhn Road property on the market? Would
you support a sale or lease of the property? Would you ever support
construction of a new library in the village?
Putting the
property up for sale is probably a moot point at this time owing to the
currently real estate market. Ultimately, we will sell the property for a
good profit that can then be used to fund additional programs at the
library. I would prefer a sale of the property over a lease of the
property, unless there are significant benefits to the library or the
village through the lease. The library is currently in a solid cash
position and does not need the revenue at this point. I would support
building a new library now and in the future. Our library currently
suffers from limited space that will make it hard for us to expand and
add significant new programs in the future.
What specifically will you do to improve the working relationship among board members?
will use my 8 years of experience on the board, coupled with the
business management skills acquired over many years in a variety of
business management positions, to ensure that we have a cohesive board
focused on the good of the library and our users and staff.
are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election
the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you, and if
so, what is it?
In my opinion, the current board is not
focused on the needs of the community or library at all. Most of the
board members do not use the library, and until several lawsuits against
the library were initiated, had absolutely no interest in the library.
The political climate of 2010 has added to some misguided motives of
several board members. I was amazed to hear one of the candidates for
appointment to the board to fill a vacant seat recently respond to the
question "what do you think is the role of a library trustee" respond by
saying "honestly, I do not have a clue". Our citizens expect and
deserve better representation from our library trustees. We need to have
a board that is not contentious, and works together to serve our
community. I will work to achieve that harmony and focus if elected.
Do you have a library card? How long have you had it? How often do you use it?
I have had a library card for many years. I obtain books at the library
often, including purchasing used books on a regular basis.
impact have economic and technological changes had on libraries? How
does a library remain relevant? How should its role in the community
Economic factors have placed some libraries in peril.
Thanks to the good fiscal management of our library trustees prior to
the current board, we have a solid cash reserve position. To remain
relevant, we must focus on what we do best, while exploring new
technologies that our users want - like eBooks and access to the
Internet and databases. We have a large pool of computers available for
use on-site, and are currently moving ahead with long-term plans to
upgrade these computers to provide better service to our users. Our
library has long had a consistent, positive role in our community. We
can capitalize on that strength by working to make the library more of a
"destination" with the expansion of novel programs for our users.
Background and Civic Involvement:
8 years service as Library Trustee
Friends of the Carol Stream Public Library
Rotary Club--Past President
Citizen of the Year--2003
Veteran, Vietnam War
20+ years as Church Elder--Heritage Presbyterian Church
31 year resident of Carol Stream
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