Sunday, September 1, 2013

Focus on Trustees: Bonita Gilliam at the ALA Convention

Bonita Gilliam is one of our newly elected library trustees, and like all of the other new trustees supported by the Support the Library organization, she brings a professional approach and a clear dedication to her position that makes her a valued and respected member of the Carol Stream Library Board. As evidence of that spirit of dedication and commitment, Dr. Gilliam took time out of her busy schedule this summer to attend the 2013 American Library Association Conference held at McCormick Place in Chicago. She did this so that she could stay current with the main issues facing public libraries in the 21st Century and to become familiar with new library materials and resources that our trustees may want to consider as they plan the future of our library.

Here are some notes and observations that she submitted to document the sessions that she attended during the ALA conference:

I attended “Nuts & Bolts for Trustees, Friends and Foundations” workshop all day on 6/28/13-- sponsored by United for Libraries, a division of the American Library Association (ALA).  A total of six panelists made informative presentations. Moderators were Trustees Shirley Bruursema , Kent District Library and Dora Sims, Birmingham Public Library and Trustee-at-Large, United For Libraries Board.

I also attended a session titled "Discussion on Fiduciary Responsibilities of Boards" that was led by Ruth Newell.  This segment was one of the main topics specifically designed for all Trustees present and I summarize here some of the main suggestions that Ms. Newell made during her presentation:
- Be Alert and Aware
- Be Knowledgeable
- New Trustees: Select an approved purchase and follow the $$$ from beginning to end
- Caution do not micro-manage

Another breakout session that I attended was an “Emergency Readiness” presentation for libraries. The presentation was timely and interesting but primarily targeted a public school setting.

As a sidebar, I met people from around the world: Canada, Nigeria, Alabama, England, Ohio,  France…and a former Carol Stream Friends member named Connie Messner. I invited her and all others to visit the library if they ever happen to visit Carol Stream. The total conference attendance was 26,000+ with over 780 venders gathered in the Exhibits Hall. As a first time attendee, I got caught up in collecting as many “badges” as I could.  I collected five before it dawned on me that I was overdoing it a bit!  Battling Blackhawks fans intent on partying at the downtown parade was an unexpected challenge in Chicago during both days I attended.

On June 29, I attended the “Soaring Higher: United for Libraries Leaders in Action” session. I enjoyed the presentations from seasoned members of group. The group is very dedicated. The take-away for me was--I am not ready to participate at this level…yet  Later that day, I attended a session titled, “How to Be an Effective Library Advocate”. I will share the handout on request.

During the conference, I visited the Exhibits Hall and wore myself out trying to “see it all” while collecting conference “swag” from vendors. I did get a few good books. I plan to donate a book on bullying to Cloverdale School. A couple of other advanced reader copies I acquired may prove suitable for the library shelves.

I was exhausted by the end and I had a great time at the ALA Conference. As a result of my experience, I feel more committed and better prepared to serve the Carol Stream Library.

The STL Committee is extremely proud of Bonita Gilliam and we are grateful for her dedication to our library and our community. Along with all of the other newly elected trustees, she brings a new sense of hope and optimism to our library.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Take the Library Property Survey

As you may know, the Carol Stream Library trustees recently posted a brief survey to get opinions from residents regarding the parcel of land on Kuhn Road that is currently owned by the library. It is a simple survey form with a single question listing the different options being considered, and the members of the Library Board are hoping to determine which option is most appealing to residents. The majority on the Board and the Library Director intended this to be an impartial process with no overt attempts to sway residents in any way.

With that in mind, we were extremely disappointed to see a letter printed in the Carol Stream Examiner yesterday written by David DeRango. Even though he purports to speak the “truth,” his letter was filled with many of the same false and misleading statements that he and the candidates he supported raised in the recent election. It should be noted that Mr. DeRango is hardly impartial on this issue since he, Dominick Jeffrey, Jerry Clark, and Michael Wade have all waged vicious campaigns of misinformation on this and many other issues related to the library in recent years.

The survey will be online until Sunday, September 15, and we encourage all residents to take a few moments to voice their opinions on this important issue. Here is a link to the survey:

It is a single-response survey with a space for comments, and residents who respond will also be asked to provide their names and addresses. This was done so that only Carol Stream residents can participate in the survey and so that the trustees can be sure that no resident has taken the survey more than one time.

If you have not yet completed the survey, please take a few moments today to register your opinion. Just as important, please encourage your friends and neighbors in Carol Stream to do the same so that the results are a true and accurate representation of the opinions of village residents.

Friday, May 17, 2013

New Board Gets Down to Business

Director Susan Westgate talks with Jim Bailey and Nadia Sheikh
The five new trustees on the Carol Stream Library Board were sworn in by DuPage County Associate Judge Rob Douglas at the May 15 board meeting in a board room filled to capacity by residents who came to congratulate them and show their support. This was a ceremonial re-creation of the actual swearing-in procedures that were conducted by Rob Douglas on May 1 in the Business Center of the library witnessed by Library Director Susan Westgate. The five new trustees took this proactive course of action when it became clear that former trustee Michael Wade was intent on rushing through a sale of the Kuhn Road property in what he thought were his last days in office.

The new board got down to business immediately after the oaths of office were administered, and the main item on the agenda was the status of the Kuhn Road property. They first listened to an update from the realtors who have listed the property, and they heard more about the plans of a potential buyer, ManorCare, who is interested in building a 120-bed rehabilitation and convalescent center on the site. The board then stated its intent to study the issues in more detail and hire an experienced real estate attorney to advise them on the best course of action.

New Board President Jim Bailey along with the four new trustees—Bonita Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, Edward Jourdan, and Nadia Sheikh—are clearly demonstrating a more intelligent and responsible approach than the previous board had shown, and it is quite evident that they intend to keep the public informed during every step of the deliberations, something that former president Michael Wade had not done. Mr. Bailey was forced to file a Freedom of Information Act request to try to get information about the negotiations that Mr. Wade has conducted privately with the realtors and attorneys, but when Mr. Wade supplied the requested e-mail documents, many sections were redacted. It is easy to see why Mr. Bailey and the new trustees feel the need to make a “fresh start” on all matters relating to the Kuhn Road property.

Bonita Gilliam was one of five trustees who took the oath of office on May 15.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thank You Mary Hudspeath!

At the Carol Stream Library Board meeting on April 17, Mary Hudspeath received a framed document containing the words of a special resolution that was passed to honor her 10 years of service to the library and the community. Mary has been a tireless and devoted advocate for the library during her term of service as a library trustee and also in her efforts as a leader of the Friends of the Carol Stream Library. Before the resolution was read, Mary also heard words of thanks from many people in the audience who spoke of her dedication to the library.

The April 17 meeting marked the end of Mary Hudspeath's official term as a library trustee, but it also marked the end of the terms of Michael Wade, Jerry Clark, and Susan Galle--three incumbent candidates who were defeated by the efforts of the Support the Library Carol Stream committee and all of the voters in Carol Stream who soundly rejected them at the polls in favor of new trustees who will work to restore integrity and fiscal responsibility to the Board.

At the next scheduled meeting at 7:30 pm on May 15, Jim Bailey will be sworn in for a new term on the Board along with newly elected trustees Bonita Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, Edward Jourdan, and Nadia Sheikh. We invite all residents to join us at the meeting to welcome our new trustees and to celebrate the start of a new and more positive era for our library and our community.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The voters of Carol Stream made their voices heard loud and clear on Election Day as they swept out Michael Wade and his running mates and elected all five of the STL candidates to fill the open seats on the Library Board. The margin of victory was large and decisive, and it is clear that Carol Stream residents were ready for a change and a new beginning.

The Support the Library Carol Stream organization would like to thank the many fine citizens of Carol Stream for supporting our cause, endorsing our candidates, and mobilizing the vote on Election Day. Our victory is a shared success, and we could not have done it without the help and passionate support of the many Carol Stream residents who rose up to “take our library back”!

Former Director Ann Kennedy summed up the feelings of many people on our committee in her statement in the Daily Herald: "The American system of government is not broken when a group of concerned citizens can rally against bad government and give it back to the people.”

The healing process on the Library Board has now begun, and we are confident that the newly elected trustees will help turn the page on one of the darkest episodes in the history of our library and begin to restore integrity and decency to our library and our community. Congratulations to our new trustees Jim Bailey, Bonita Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, Edward Jourdan, and Nadia Sheikh!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Special Endorsement From Lynn O'Dell

The five STL candidates recently received a special and very meaningful endorsement from Lynn O’Dell, the original Library Director and a highly respected citizen who guided our library for 41 years from 1964-2005. There is not a single person in our community who has invested more time or effort into our library than Lynn O’Dell, and so her endorsement is especially significant to voters in this important election. Here is the text of her endorsement:

“I hope you will join me, Lynn O’Dell, in supporting Jim Bailey, Bonita Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, Edward Jourdan, and Nadia Sheikh for the open trustee positions on the Carol Stream Library Board. I know them personally and you can believe me when I say they will continue Carol Stream Library’s tradition of excellent service to the public. As Director of the library for 41 years from 1964-2005, I can proudly say that there was always a supportive and ethical Board of Trustees during that time. I’ve remained close to the library since my retirement and can assure you that during my tenure and the years that followed, the leadership has always acted ethically. Prior Boards have never committed illegal actions, misappropriated funds, or neglected their duties. These accusations made by the current Board leadership (Wade, Clark, Galle, DeRango, and Jeffrey) are completely false. Former Board members have been accused by these people of not listening to Carol Stream residents and this is far from the truth. The 2010 renovation project is proof that the elected officials were listening and provided much needed space for patrons to view the collection, access computers, and enjoy the relaxing and inviting atmosphere.”  –Lynn O’Dell

Lynn O’Dell’s endorsement comes on the heels of the major endorsement by the editors of the Examiner of Carol Stream who were extremely critical of the current board and wrote “A major housecleaning is in order and a group of very active and concerned library patrons has stepped up with mops in hand."

Darrel Malcom, Republican Committeeman from Bloomingdale Precinct 18, also endorsed all five STL candidates and wrote that “the outcome of local election for local offices probably impacts us more regarding services and taxes we pay.” The library race is not a partisan election, but high praise from a respected conservative leader underscores the fiscal responsibility that Jim Bailey, Bonita Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, Edward Jourdan, and Nadia Sheikh will bring to the Library Board.

Election Day is Tuesday, April 9. Please take time to vote for these outstanding candidates to restore integrity to our library board.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Major Endorsement by the Carol Stream Examiner

The Examiner of Carol Stream printed a major endorsement of the STL candidates on the front page of the March 27 issue of the newspaper. Here is the text of their endorsement:

"The drama surrounding this library board has been widely reported and keenly felt by library patrons. A major housecleaning is in order, and a group of very active and concerned library patrons has stepped forward with mops in hand.

The five candidates put forward by the Support the Library organization are: Bonita Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, Edward Jourdan, Nadia Sheikh, and incumbent Jim Bailey. Their distinguished records of professional achievement and public service can be viewed at under the "Meet the Candidates" tab. The blog also provides an extensive history of the library and the central players involved in recent years.

The new candidates Gilliam, Johnson, Jourdan, and Sheikh are endorsed."

We are grateful for the above endorsement by the Examiner, and it speaks volumes for the qualifications of the five outstanding STL candidates. The editors also rightly assess the current problems on the Library Board when they state that "a major housecleaning is in order." The editors further cite the candidate's "distinguished records of professional achievement and public service," qualifications that were also recognized by the long list of respected Carol Stream residents listed below who have also thrown their support behind Jim Bailey, Bonita Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, Edward Jourdan, and Nadia Sheikh:

Lynn O'Dell-Library Director 1964-2005. 53 year resident of Carol Stream
Mary Hudspeath- Library Trustee, Citizen of the Year nominee, 2012
Barb Siegman- Former Library Trustee, President, Friends of the Library
Dr. Jeffrey Handel,DDS- Former Library Trustee, Carol Stream business owner
Robert Ranck- Former Library Trustee
Laura Pollastrini- Former Library Trustee, 35 Year Carol Stream resident
Laurie Nowak - DuPage County Board Member District 6.
Rick Gieser- Former Carol Stream Village Board Trustee; Citizen of the Year, 2011
Matt McCarthy- Current Carol Stream Village Trustee
Pamela Fenner- Current Carol Stream Village Trustee
Greg Schwarze- Carol Stream Fire Department, Current Village Trustee
Rick Fisher- Carol Stream Fire Protection District
Brian Jordan- Carol Stream Fire Protection District Commissioner
Arnie Biondo- Executive Director, Carol Stream Park District
Nancy Biondo- OT Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital
Robert A. McNees- Attorney, Citizen of the Year, 1987 

Jan Smith-Former Library Trustee, Special Citizen of the Year, 1972
Larry and Sue Evans- Owners, Graphic Vision, Inc. Carol Stream , 34 year residents 

Cindy Allston- Carol Stream resident and 2002 Citizen of the Year
Lila Birchfield- Glenbard North teacher, (retired)
Dr. David Akbar Gilliam- DePaul University Professor
Solomon D. Gilliam- Attorney at Law
Jane Glenn- Carol Stream Realtor
Mary Douglas- 28 year Carol Stream resident.
Nancy Bagdonas- Carol Stream Resident and 2012 Citizen of the Year nominee

Jane Hodgkinson-Retired Executive Director of WDSRA 

Suzanne J. Carlstadt-33 year Carol Stream resident, member Cool City Carol Stream

Luanne Triolo Newman- Citizen of the Year, 1992; Special Citizen of the Year, 2006
Joan G. Lapish- 16 year Carol Stream resident
Liz Bryers-15 year resident, Special Citizen of the Year, 2008
Bob Barrell - Former Library Trustee, 43 year resident
Ginny Goldbach- Special Citizen of the Year, 1995
Don Depa- Long-time Resident, Glenbard North Teacher
Maria Depa- Long-time resident, Special Citizen of the Year, 2007
Dick Wilson- Citizen of the Year, 1991, Special Citizen of the Year, 1994
Del Miller- President, Carol Stream Fire Protection District
Judy Zika- Citizen of the Year, 1999, Special Citizen of the Year, 2004
Darrel Malcom- Executive Director, Kids Against Hunger; Pastor, Poplar Creek Church
Suzanne Hlotke- 33 year Carol Stream resident
Dan Bird- Carol Stream Park District Commissioner

Election Day is April 9 and Early Voting is already underway. Please help us to "take our library back" by voting for these outstanding candidates for the Library Board.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Early Voting Begins on Monday, March 25

The official date for the consolidated election is April 9, 2013, but you do not have to wait until then if another date near the election is more convenient for you. Early voting and voting by absentee ballot are two popular alternative ways of casting your vote for this critical election.

Early Voting
Many residents have come to enjoy early voting privileges in recent years since they can choose the dates and times that are most convenient for them. There will again be several early voting locations open in the weeks before the election date, including a facility at Stratford Square Mall. The dates for early voting are Monday, March 25 through Saturday, April 6.  Here are two of the closest early voting locations:

Stratford Square Mall 
Upper Level - Entrance 4 - Next to Macy's
M-F: 10:00 am-7:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am-3:00 pm
Sunday: 11:00 am-3:00 pm

DuPage County/Election Commission 
421 N. County Farm Road - Room 1-500B
M-F: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Saturday (3/30): 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Sunday (3/31): 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Saturday (4/6): 9:00 am-3:00 pm

Absentee Voting
If you know you will be out of town on the April 9 election day, you can apply for an absentee ballot to insure that your vote will count in this important election. You can do absentee voting in person or by mail. Mailed absentee ballots must be postmarked five days before the election. Here is a link to a page that contains all of the information you will need to know about the absentee voting process:

Be Sure to Register
The deadline for standard voter registration has passed, but Illinois law provides a “grace period” to register and vote for the upcoming April 9, 2013, Consolidated General Election, for individuals who were unable to register to vote or change their address prior to the traditional deadline that was March 12, 2013. This “grace period” is from March 13, 2013, through April 6, 2013.  Registering to vote or transferring a registration and voting during the “grace period” may only be done in the Election Commission office, 421 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois.

For more information on grace period registration and voting, call the Election Commission at 630- 407-5600 or visit their website at An individual may check the status of his/her voter registration by visiting the website and using the “Voter Information Search”.

The DuPage County Election Commission office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. until Election Day.

Your Vote is Critical This Year
It is very evident that dismally low voter turnout at the last two elections is the main reason that Michael Wade and his extreme political allies were able to seize control of our Library Board. Please take time to vote for qualified and responsible candidates this year so that we can restore dignity and responsible conduct to our Board and a brighter future for our library!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The STL Candidates Are Active in Community Projects

All of the STL candidates continue to be active in the community and stay involved in many productive ventures related to our library. In doing so, they make it so clear why they are the library trustees candidates who will best serve the residents of Carol Stream. On Sunday, March 10, the STL candidates volunteered to assist with the reception for Susan Westgate, the new Library Director. Jim Bailey, Bonita Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, and Nadia Sheikh all helped serve refreshments during the event and greeted residents who came for the reception. This reception was one of the many special events that the Friends of the Carol Stream Library have planned and hosted over the years, and all five of the STL candidates are proud members of the Friends organization.

On March 17, several of the STL candidates attended the annual St. Joseph’s Table event at St. Isidore Church. This is a charity event that helps to raise needed funds for community projects including the DuPage Walk-in Food Pantry and DuPagePads, the organization that does so much for homeless residents in our community. The STL candidates know that service to our community comes in many forms, and as trustees on the Carol Stream Library Board, they will continue to work with all local organizations in their outreach efforts to make our library an even stronger element in our community. They provide a positive and productive vision for our library and they are all avid library users who recognize the importance of a library in a community.

As reported in an earlier article on this web site, Patricia Johnson and Nadia Sheikh participated in the Grocery Cart Race, held at the Jewel in Carol Stream on February 7. This is DuPage County Farm Bureau's annual program where contestants have just 10 minutes to fly through the store, looking for items containing corn, wheat, or soy, Illinois' top three crops. Two food pantries in the community benefit from the Farm Bureau's generosity - the Humanitarian Service Project and Neighborhood Food Pantries.

On January 15, Bonita Gilliam and Nadia Sheikh continued their efforts to reach out to residents of all faiths by meeting with people at the Islamic Center Western Suburbs. They had an opportunity to talk about their positive vision for our library and ways that the library can best serve the needs of all residents. Bonita also does volunteer work at the College of DuPage, and Nadia will be volunteering her time at the annual Earth Day events on April 20 in cooperation with the Carol Stream Women's Club and the Carol Stream Park District. Here is a link with more information about the Earth Day activities:

Election Day is Tuesday, April 9, but voters can take advantage of Early Voting which begins on Monday, March 25. It is a great way to vote on a day and time that is most convenient for you. Either way, it is critical that all voters who value the Carol Stream Public Library get out to vote so that Jim Bailey, Bonita Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, Edward Jourdan, and Nadia Sheikh can help turn the page on the bitter events of the past few months and restore integrity to our library board.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Endorsements for the STL Candidates are Pouring In!

The Support the Library Carol Stream candidates are proud to announce that all of the following people have endorsed them as library trustee candidates, and we hope to add many more names in the weeks ahead. Of special note is the fact that this list contains several people who have played a direct role in the development and growth of our library as former and current library trustees as well as a highly respected Library Director who devoted 41 years of her life to the library. Also included are several current and former village trustees, recipients of the Carol Stream Citizen of the Year awards, and representatives from other village agencies such as the Park District. These are all respected citizens who care deeply about the future of Carol Stream, and the fact that they endorse all five of the STL candidates clearly sets our group apart from our opponents who offer nothing but bitter and deplorable campaign tactics.

We are deeply grateful for the support of all of these respected Carol Stream citizens:

Lynn O'Dell-Library Director 1964-2005. 53 year resident of Carol Stream
Mary Hudspeath- Library Trustee, Citizen of the Year nominee, 2012
Barb Siegman- Former Library Trustee, President, Friends of the Library
Dr. Jeffrey Handel,DDS- Former Library Trustee, Carol Stream business owner
Robert Ranck- Former Library Trustee
Laura Pollastrini- Former Library Trustee, 35 Year Carol Stream resident
Laurie Nowak - DuPage County Board Member District 6.
Rick Gieser- Former Carol Stream Village Board Trustee; Citizen of the Year, 2011
Matt McCarthy- Current Carol Stream Village Trustee
Pamela Fenner- Current Carol Stream Village Trustee
Greg Schwarze- Carol Stream Fire Department, Current Village Trustee
Rick Fisher- Carol Stream Fire Protection District
Brian Jordan- Carol Stream Fire Protection District Commissioner
Arnie Biondo- Executive Director, Carol Stream Park District
Nancy Biondo- OT Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital
Robert A. McNees- Attorney, Citizen of the Year, 1987 

Jan Smith-Former Library Trustee, Special Citizen of the Year, 1972
Larry and Sue Evans- Owners, Graphic Vision, Inc. Carol Stream , 34 year residents 

Cindy Allston- Carol Stream resident and 2002 Citizen of the Year
Lila Birchfield- Glenbard North teacher, (retired)
Dr. David Akbar Gilliam- DePaul University Professor
Solomon D. Gilliam- Attorney at Law
Jane Glenn- Carol Stream Realtor
Mary Douglas- 28 year Carol Stream resident.
Nancy Bagdonas- Carol Stream Resident and 2012 Citizen of the Year nominee

Jane Hodgkinson-Retired Executive Director of WDSRA 

Suzanne J. Carlstadt-33 year Carol Stream resident, member Cool City Carol Stream

Luanne Triolo Newman- Citizen of the Year, 1992; Special Citizen of the Year, 2006
Joan G. Lapish- 16 year Carol Stream resident
Liz Bryers-15 year resident, Special Citizen of the Year, 2008
Bob Barrell - Former Library Trustee, 43 year resident
Ginny Goldbach- Special Citizen of the Year, 1995
Don Depa- Long-time Resident, Glenbard North Teacher
Maria Depa- Long-time resident, Special Citizen of the Year, 2007
Dick Wilson- Citizen of the Year, 1991, Special Citizen of the Year, 1994
Del Miller- President, Carol Stream Fire Protection District
Judy Zika- Citizen of the Year, 1999, Special Citizen of the Year, 2004
Darrel Malcom- Executive Director, Kids Against Hunger; Pastor, Poplar Creek Church
Suzanne Hlotke- 33 year Carol Stream resident
Dan Bird- Carol Stream Park District Commissioner

Monday, March 11, 2013

Meet the Candidates: Jim Bailey

Jim Bailey

Jim Bailey is married with four daughters and has been a respected and active member of the Carol Stream Library Board for eight years. Jim received the Carol Stream Citizen of the Year Award in 2003 in recognition for his outstanding work in the community. He is a retired business executive and entrepreneur. Jim was first elected to the Board in 2005. The experience he brings to the Board includes eight years in the U.S. Air Force, 50 years of work experience and 31 years as a resident of Carol Stream. He is a decorated and disabled veteran of the Vietnam War. Jim was re-elected to the Board in 2011, and his current term will expire in 2013. He was a Past-President of the Rotary Club of Carol Stream and has been active as a church elder at Heritage Presbyterian Church for the past twenty years. He believes that the Library is a key asset in the village and that the main role of the Library Board is to support the efforts of the professional librarians and staff members who have been hired to manage and carry out all library operations.

Here are Jim's responses to the candidate profile recently printed in the Daily Herald that will help voters get a better sense of his qualifications and his positive vision for our library:

Do you support the board's decision to put the library's Kuhn Road property on the market? Would you support a sale or lease of the property? Would you ever support construction of a new library in the village?
Putting the property up for sale is probably a moot point at this time owing to the currently real estate market. Ultimately, we will sell the property for a good profit that can then be used to fund additional programs at the library. I would prefer a sale of the property over a lease of the property, unless there are significant benefits to the library or the village through the lease. The library is currently in a solid cash position and does not need the revenue at this point. I would support building a new library now and in the future. Our library currently suffers from limited space that will make it hard for us to expand and add significant new programs in the future.

What specifically will you do to improve the working relationship among board members?

I will use my 8 years of experience on the board, coupled with the business management skills acquired over many years in a variety of business management positions, to ensure that we have a cohesive board focused on the good of the library and our users and staff.

Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you, and if so, what is it?

In my opinion, the current board is not focused on the needs of the community or library at all. Most of the board members do not use the library, and until several lawsuits against the library were initiated, had absolutely no interest in the library. The political climate of 2010 has added to some misguided motives of several board members. I was amazed to hear one of the candidates for appointment to the board to fill a vacant seat recently respond to the question "what do you think is the role of a library trustee" respond by saying "honestly, I do not have a clue". Our citizens expect and deserve better representation from our library trustees. We need to have a board that is not contentious, and works together to serve our community. I will work to achieve that harmony and focus if elected.

Do you have a library card? How long have you had it? How often do you use it?
Yes, I have had a library card for many years. I obtain books at the library often, including purchasing used books on a regular basis.

What impact have economic and technological changes had on libraries? How does a library remain relevant? How should its role in the community change?

Economic factors have placed some libraries in peril. Thanks to the good fiscal management of our library trustees prior to the current board, we have a solid cash reserve position. To remain relevant, we must focus on what we do best, while exploring new technologies that our users want - like eBooks and access to the Internet and databases. We have a large pool of computers available for use on-site, and are currently moving ahead with long-term plans to upgrade these computers to provide better service to our users. Our library has long had a consistent, positive role in our community. We can capitalize on that strength by working to make the library more of a "destination" with the expansion of novel programs for our users.

Background and Civic Involvement:
8 years service as Library Trustee
Friends of the Carol Stream Public Library
Rotary Club--Past President
Citizen of the Year--2003
Veteran, Vietnam War
20+ years as Church Elder--Heritage Presbyterian Church
31 year resident of Carol Stream

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Meet the Candidates: Patricia Johnson

Patricia Johnson
I believe that a Public Library has always been an important part of any community. Libraries granted me the opportunity not only to love books, but to appreciate art, music, and other important parts of our culture. To me, being a trustee on the Carol Stream Library Board would be like being a teacher of sorts. I want to try to watch over our revered facility. I want to help guard and maintain a building that houses not only the traditional tools, but also the new materials that enhance knowledge in our digital age.

Click here to view Patricia Johnson's campaign Facebook page

I want the library to be a building that inspires people of every age to partake in our many events that can enrich their lives. When we come together to listen to readings, discuss books, or appreciate the arts, we develop connections that foster positive relationships and strengthen our ties to the community.

Do you support the board's decision to put the library's Kuhn Road property on the market? Would you support a sale or lease of the property? Would you ever support construction of a new library in the village?
No, not at this time because the real estate market is still unstable and the asking price may not be realistic. Yes, I would support leasing the property through an intergovernmental agreement between the Carol Stream Library and the Park District or Village. Yes, Carol Stream is in need of a new library and currently the needs of the community are difficult to meet. We need a floor just for children and youth, between the ages 0-12 years, more classrooms, individual and group study rooms, larger adult book sections and room to accommodate the expansion of future technology. While this may not be feasible with the current budget and local economy, these needs should be kept in mind for the future of the village.

What specifically will you do to improve the working relationship among board members?
I will encourage everyone to understand that the role of a board member is to set and implement policy and to support the professional staff in their day to day management of library services. I will set an example by being respectful of board members' opinions, whether I agree or not and will demonstrate that I wish to serve the community rather than my own personal agenda.I will promote the ideal among board members that this is the community's library, not our personal library.

Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you, and if so, what is it?

To be a voice for the library within my community and ensure that we have the resources it needs. For the Library to thrive and remain a valuable asset to the community in the 21st century someone must step up. And why not me, Patricia Johnson? As a candidate, I promise that when I am elected I will devote the appropriate time and effort to carry out the duties and responsibilities of library trustee. I want to reinforce and continue the long standing tradition of watching out for our library, ethically and with sound leadership. Our library was founded and governed over the past 50 years by devoted public servants who paved the way for the future and brought us the fine Library we now have. I am particularly interested in keeping the taxpayers that fund us informed and to make sure everyone in our community has free access to the wide variety of materials libraries have to offer. This includes providing public access to the most current technology available to assist school children with projects and help adults find jobs and careers. I will encourage the board to provide the library with the best and most affordable technological resources available.

Do you have a library card? How long have you had it? How often do you use it?
Yes 50 years, 20 years in Chicago and 30 years in Carol Stream. It is hard to quantify, but I have borrowed and returned all types items that are available. On many occasions I have used the computers and references books for research.

What impact have economic and technological changes had on libraries? How does a library remain relevant? How should its role in the community change?

I believe that the current economy has caused there to be a heavier demand on our public libraries. People are taking advantage of access to free movies, books and music. The computers are always in use as the cost of owning a home computer for many in our community is out of reach. The library continues to be a source of these materials in poor economic times and for those who are otherwise economically disadvantaged. A library must provide the public with programs that are relevant to everyday life. I will advocate always being aware of new technology and popular trends that will attract old and young alike. I'm aware that change is inevitable and necessary for the future and I will embrace all that the digital world has to offer. I believe it is essential for the board to provide continuing education opportunities for the staff so they can be informed on the most up to date developments in media and technology. I will encourage the board to support the staff in developing the best programs for the residents of Carol Stream. The Library board should continue to listen to the community members and encourage public participation at meetings. This way the board will know if needs are being met and can respond to community concerns. If the library continues to provide excellent service with current publications and access to up-to-date computers and databases, the community will be very well served. Personally, I would like to advocate for more educational programs for adults, like computer training.

Civic Involvement:

Food Pantry Liaison
Community Organizer/Activist
Board of Deacons
Wayne Township Democrats, Secretary
Friends of the Carol Stream Public Library
Long-time resident of Carol Stream

Friday, March 1, 2013

RoccoVino Fundraiser Was a Huge Success!

The Support the Library Carol Stream Organization would like to thank all of the people who joined us at RoccoVino's Ristorante on Sunday, February 24. The turnout was overwhelming--even greater than we anticipated--and the event was a great success. We raised a large amount of money to help pay for signs and campaign materials, but just as important, the STL candidates had a good opportunity to meet with many library supporters, leaders of several community organizations, and candidates for other village positions who share our values and our support for the library.

Thanks again to RoccoVino's Ristorante for being such good hosts and for helping to support our cause. We hope that all readers will continue to patronize this fine restaurant. Thanks also to the many great library supporters who took time out of the day on Sunday to join us. The large crowd in attendance is just one more indication of the wide appeal of the STL candidates and the strong feelings of anger and outrage that so many residents hold for the current library trustees and their actions over the past few months.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Check Out the STL Candidate Facebook Pages!

If you have not already looked over the outstanding Facebook pages that Patricia Johnson and Nadia Sheikh have created to support their candidacies for trustee positions, we invite you to see what they have posted:

Patricia Johnson’s Campaign Facebook Page:

Nadia Sheikh’s Campaign Facebook Page:

As you read their Facebook posts and see how active they are in our community, you will quickly see why they will make outstanding library trustees, just like the other candidates on the STL slate. These are candidates who are intensely interested in 21st century library issues and important local community projects that benefit needy residents. In just the past few weeks, they have written about their interest and personal involvement in the following:

- The Carol Stream Community-Wide Food Drive sponsored by the Rotary Club
- Participation in the DuPage County Farm Bureau program to aid local food pantries
- Analysis of articles about the future of libraries and their importance to communities
- Commentary on current books available to residents, particularly parents and their children
- Information about local events related to books and digital resources
- Active involvement in Chamber of Commerce and area business conferences
- Special programs at the Carol Stream Library including seminars for unemployed residents
- Reliable statistics about the increasing value of libraries in the 21st century
- Information about innovative programs and services at other libraries

Once you have a chance to read the many posts that Patricia Johnson and Nadia Sheikh have added to their Facebook pages in recent weeks, you will see all of the qualities that residents expect in their library trustees. Just like Jim Bailey, Bonita Gilliam, and Edward Jourdan, these candidates are all avid library users and their vision is to take our library to new heights with enhanced technology and ongoing support for the programs and services provided by the professional library staff.

Be sure to vote on April 9 to restore integrity, professionalism, and fiscal responsibility to the Carol Stream Library Board!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Take Time to Vote This Year!

The official date for the consolidated election is April 9, 2013, but informed voters know that they do not have to wait until then if another date near the election is more convenient for them. Early voting and voting by absentee ballot are two alternative ways of casting your vote for this critical election.

Be Sure to Register
People who are new to Carol Stream or residents who have not yet registered to vote still have plenty of time to do this before the election. You can register at the Village Hall, at Simkus Recreation Center, or even at the Carol Stream Library. You can do this any time before March 17. Late Voter Registration is also an option if you miss this deadline. Late registration must be done at the DuPage Election Office on County Farm Road in Wheaton from Wednesday, March 18-Tuesday, April 2.

Early Voting

Many residents have come to enjoy early voting privileges in recent years since they can choose the dates and times that are most convenient for them. There will again be several early voting locations open in the weeks before the election date, including a facility at Stratford Square Mall. The dates for early voting are Monday, March 25 through Saturday, April 6.

Absentee Voting
If you know you will be out of town on the April 9 election day, you can apply for an absentee ballot to insure that your vote will count in this important election. You can do absentee voting in person or by mail from Monday, February 25 through Friday, April 5. Here is a link to a page that contains all of the information you will need to know about the absentee voting process:

It is very evident that dismally low voter turnout at the last two elections is the main reason that Michael Wade and his extreme political allies were able to seize control of our Library Board. Please take time to vote for qualified and responsible candidates this year so that we can restore dignity and responsible conduct to our Board and a brighter future for our library!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Meet the Candidates: Nadia Sheikh

Nadia Sheikh
I believe in transparency and accountability in government. I will investigate ways to enhance communication and interaction between the library board and the public. I am committed to returning calls, responding to emails, and discussing issues. When concerns are brought to my attention by the public, I will discuss them with the board promptly. I believe the library must be vigilant in continually re-assessing the needs and expectations of our large and diverse community. I would like to continue to expand services that our constituents value by creatively seeking alternate sources of revenue and operating our library system in a fiscally responsible manner. I want to keep the library great for today and right for the future.

 Click here to view Nadia Sheikh's campaign Facebook page. 

Why am I running for Carol Stream Library Trustee?  What is my motivation?

This is my 2nd time running for public office. Community service is a virtue that is too often overlooked in today’s busy world. I feel blessed to live in Carol Stream. My motivation for running for library trustee comes from my belief that personal satisfaction comes from working for and with other people. Currently, I am putting my career on hold as a healthcare administrator to take time to raise my 17-month-old daughter.  One of the reasons that public service is so appealing to me is the opportunity to work with people from different backgrounds. Undoubtedly, my cultural diversity will be a great asset to the library board.

I believe that accountability and transparency are very important qualities to have in a leader. I promise to always listen to the needs of our constituents and be an enthusiastic advocate for our library within our region and at the state level. I will participate actively in meetings and other library activities and always promote our library. I will stay up-to-date on current local, state, and federal laws impacting the library and be informed of budgetary goals. In addition, I will seek funding to support library services and articulate our needs to local and state government officials.
I have a positive attitude and strong leadership skills to take on challenging projects. The ability to manage time effectively, remain organized, and juggle numerous tasks simultaneously has been vital in my previous roles. I believe that my qualifications along with my drive and enthusiasm would make me a good fit within the library board.

What contributions would I make?
I believe that the qualities the constituents of Carol Stream seek in a library trustee are well matched with the combination of my experience and education. I have a sincere interest in libraries because I spent a majority of my youth studying in libraries in pursuit of higher education. I hold a B.S. in Neuroscience from the University of California, Los Angeles and an Associate’s degree in Chemistry. I hold a Masters in Health Administration from the University of Southern California, School of Policy, Planning, and Development along with a Certificate in the Management of Ambulatory Care Systems.

If I was asked to describe myself in one word, that word would be “driven”. I intend to make sure that the library has the strong operational and financial footing it needs to serve the needs of our community. Communication is key to our success as leaders and I intend to listen to our constituents to find out what they would like to change or what they would like to continue to see happen in our library.

From the wide array of services our library currently offers, it is evident that our library staff is passionate about what it does, cares about the people it serves, and enthusiastic about its facility. All of this creates a positive environment for learning and a group of people I would like to join.
If given the opportunity, my contributions to the library board will be my love of learning and intellectual discussion, my appreciation for laughter and human interaction, and my willingness to lead and to compassionately serve. My actions are based on those principles and give rise to a wide range of experiences that I am willing to share with other people. I look forward to being a board member because it will be a time of growth, a time of learning and maturing, a time of building experiences with other people who care about the same thing– making steps toward healing, trying to better society, and adding some good to the world.

Do I have a library card? How long have I had it? How often do I use it?
Yes--Five years. Upon moving to Carol Stream in 2007, one of the first things I did was hurry to the library to sign up for my library card. I visit our library at least two to three times a week with my 17-month-old daughter. I am so proud of our library staff because they are all so friendly and eager to help whenever I need assistance. I am an avid reader and like donating my read books to the library.

What impact have economic and technological changes had on libraries? How does a library remain relevant? How should its role in the community change?

The Internet has revolutionized how we obtain information. However, libraries should not be neglected as they offer so many benefits to our community. Libraries give access to countless books, periodicals, subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, CD’s, and DVD’s, free of charge to library card-holding patrons. According to the American Library Association, “Public libraries are the number one point of online access for people without Internet connections at home, school, or work”.

In times of economic uncertainty, a library is a very comforting place to go for resources and for a quiet atmosphere. Libraries also offer many valuable programs such reading programs, story hours, crafts, movies, and speakers for our adult and youth population. For people re-entering the workforce or those looking for a career change, the library is an excellent resource. I would like to continue to see our library flourish and offer services that are relevant to today’s society.

Masters in Health Administration and a Certificate in Management of Ambulatory Care Systems from the University of Southern California, School of Policy, Planning, and Development (USC).
B.S. in Neuroscience from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Civic involvement:
Almost Home Kids Center Volunteer (a respite center for medically fragile children)
USC Midwest Alumni Club
Wheaton Franciscan Prayer Shawl Ministry
Free Mobile Health Clinic Volunteer
University of Minnesota YMCA Academic/Peer Counselor
Bilingual Teacher’s Aid
Battered Women's Clinic Intervention Project/Crisis Line Advocate

Meet the Candidates: Edward Jourdan

Edward Jourdan
If I am elected as a trustee to the Carol Stream Library Board, I will serve with integrity and accountability. I am very passionate about the library and will be very open to the public about concerns that they bring to my attention. I will make sure that the people of the village are heard in terms of their needs for moving forward.  I will be looking for ways to enhance and expand the services that the residents of Carol Stream have come to enjoy. I will be looking at alternate sources of revenue to help keep our library system financial sound.

I want to keep our library great and in tune with the times for the needs of our residents today and moving forward for the future because a strong library supports our community. I believe that in this age of technology that we need to be addressing strategies that will keep our systems up to date and continue to look at enhancements when needed.  I have been registered with the library since a week after moving here. I use many different services of the library and have seen it grow from what it was to the great facility it is today. I will strive as my number one goal to continue improvements in the library and to establish accountability.


I am married and have lived in Carol Stream since 1981. We raised 3 children that all went to school in this community and used the library in Carol Stream.

Civic Involvement
I was a paid on-call volunteer firefighter with the Carol Stream Fire Protection District for over 5 years.

Meet the Candidates: Dr. Bonita Gilliam

Dr. Bonita B. Gilliam

If elected as a trustee to the Carol Stream Library Board, I will serve with integrity, and I will uphold the best traditions in stewardship of taxpayer dollars. Responsible stewardship, I believe, will insure a vibrant library for current and future residents of Carol Stream.  A strong library system is the backbone of a strong community. I pledge to uphold the mission of the STL organization and serve with the interests of Carol Stream residents in mind.


I have lived in Carol Stream for 30 years.

B.A University of Illinois at Chicago in Elementary Education
M.A. and Psy. D. Illinois School of Professional Psychology in Clinical Psychology

Standard Elementary 03 Teacher Certification K-9
Illinois Certified Professional Development Provider

Community Service/Volunteer Positions
Member of the Friends of Carol Stream Library
Member of the Cloverdale School PTA
Judge for the Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technology and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO)
Member of Bullying Task Force in District 93 Middle Schools
Mentor for students at Glenbard North High School District 87
Tutor for students in the DuPage County Area Project (DuCaps)
Instructor for the disaster psychology unit for Community Emergency Response Team
Past member Carol Stream Chamber of Commerce

Professional Affiliations
Board of Directors University of Illinois College of Education Alumni Association
Illinois Counseling Association (ICA)
Illinois Association of Teacher Educators (IATE) Executive Board
Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) International Honor Society

2010 Teacher of Honor from Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) International Honor Society in Education.
NCLB Highly Qualified Teacher under the High Objective Uniform State Standards of Education (HOUSSE)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Announcing the First STL Meeting of 2013

Now that we have turned over the calendar to begin a new year, it is time to focus our attention more clearly on the consolidated election in April in which five trustee positions on the Carol Stream Public Library Board will be filled.  Readers who have looked over the information and reviewed the media resources on this web site are fully aware of the destructive changes to our library that have been done by a new majority of trustees on the Board, and we are now gearing up for an important political fight to elect new trustees who will restore integrity and professionalism to Board proceedings.

As we announced in December, we are very pleased to announce that the STL Committee has selected a full slate of candidates for the upcoming consolidated election next April. The five candidates are active library users who are extremely knowledgeable about the key issues that face our library, and the committee has pledged to support their efforts in any way that they can. Jim Bailey is an experienced current trustee who has agreed to seek another term on the Board, and he will be joined on the slate by Bonita Berryman-Gilliam, Patricia Johnson, Edward Jourdan, and Nadia Sheikh. Information about some of the candidates and their views on library issues has already been posted in the “Meet the Candidates” section of this web site, and more information will be posted in the weeks ahead.

If you would like to join us to learn more about our efforts, the next meeting of the Support the Library organization will be held this coming Tuesday.  Here are the meeting details: 

Date: Tuesday, January 8

Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Heritage Presbyterian Church

Address: 965 Kuhn Road, Carol Stream

If you know of other residents who share our concerns about the actions or the philosophies of the current Board, please send them a link to this web site and encourage them to sign up on our mailing list so that they can receive updates about the work of this organization. The direct link to the online form is below: