On Wednesday, September 24th, the 6th Annual Shape of Carol Stream Live Town Hall Meeting was held at the Bielawski Municipal Center. Nine local government leaders, including Jim Bailey who is serving as the president of the Carol Stream Library Board of Trustees, were given an opportunity to speak about the agencies they represent and to answer questions from the audience. As you will see from the text of Jim Bailey’s presentation, there are many important and exciting programs and changes taking place at our library—all proof of the dedicated and responsible leadership of the five trustees who were elected with the help and support of the STL organization. We are extremely proud of the fine work they have done.
Good evening and thank you for coming. My name is Jim Bailey and I have served as a Trustee of the Carol Stream Public Library for over nine years and currently serve as President of the Board of Library Trustees. The role of the Trustees is to provide oversight to ensure that the Library has the facility, staff and resources to provide for the Library needs of the community. The financial health of the Library is good and we maintain recommended reserves in our various funds. We rely heavily on our Library Director, Susan Westgate, to manage the day to day operations.
Speaking of day to day operations, let me take this opportunity to tell you some interesting things about our great library.
• The Library had over 200,000 visitors and nearly 500,000 items circulated in the past year
• We have a collection size of over 200,000 items including books, magazines, DVDs, CDs, audiobooks, and more.
• The Library is open seven days a week and provides online services 24/7 through our website.
• Online services include subscription databases, program calendar, newsletters, access to downloadable eMedia, links to local resources, Chat Reference, online program registration and much more. A mobile website is also available for cell phones.
• Public computers, printers, copier, Fax, scanner, study rooms, meeting rooms, Friends Book Sale, and a family play area with games and other activities.
FY 2012/2013 Accomplishments:
• Downloadable e-magazines using Zinio
• Coming in October we are offering on demand streaming video with Hoopla
• Updated the patron computer reservation system
• New preschool computers
• New Peek-a-book viewing station in Youth Services
Programs and Services
• The Library offered 621 programs during the year with nearly 20,000 attendees.
• New Discovery play table in youth services department featuring a train set and Duplo blocks.
In addition to traditional services the Library provides:
• New Early Literacy incentive program-1000 Books Before Kindergarten
• Home-Bound delivery to local patrons that are physically unable to visit the Library. Librarians deliver over 200 items each month to over 40 local patrons. Carol Stream is one of only a few local libraries that provide this service.
• English Conversation Practice program every Tuesday morning for ESL learners to develop their conversation skills. This program has been active for three years.
• Teen Advisory Board (TAB) of local teens that plan teen events and projects at the Library.
• Finals Study Nights for high school students when we are open until 11 p.m.
• The Museum Adventure Pass program provides patrons with the opportunity to free passes to local museums.
Awards and Recognition
• Received Best in Parade at this year’s annual Fourth of July Parade
• In August 2014, the Library’s Youth Chess Club won second place in the annual Neighboring Library Chess Tournament.
FY 2014/2015 future plans include:
• Developing a Strategic plan based upon feedback from the community provided in an online survey and focus groups.
• Pursuing an intergovernmental agreement with the Park District to establish a passive park on the Kuhn Rd. property.
• Mark your calendar for Sunday, Dec. 7! The Library will be hosting a Holiday Open House for the community featuring live reindeer, Santa, Victorian Carolers, Bell Choir, crafts and more! Please join us for an afternoon of fun-filled activities and refreshments from 1:30-4:30 p.m.
I would like to thank our dedicated professional staff and Board of Trustees for their contributions to making our library one of the best in the State of Illinois. It is a pleasure to be of service to our community. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have regarding our library.