Sunday, February 24, 2013

Check Out the STL Candidate Facebook Pages!

If you have not already looked over the outstanding Facebook pages that Patricia Johnson and Nadia Sheikh have created to support their candidacies for trustee positions, we invite you to see what they have posted:

Patricia Johnson’s Campaign Facebook Page:

Nadia Sheikh’s Campaign Facebook Page:

As you read their Facebook posts and see how active they are in our community, you will quickly see why they will make outstanding library trustees, just like the other candidates on the STL slate. These are candidates who are intensely interested in 21st century library issues and important local community projects that benefit needy residents. In just the past few weeks, they have written about their interest and personal involvement in the following:

- The Carol Stream Community-Wide Food Drive sponsored by the Rotary Club
- Participation in the DuPage County Farm Bureau program to aid local food pantries
- Analysis of articles about the future of libraries and their importance to communities
- Commentary on current books available to residents, particularly parents and their children
- Information about local events related to books and digital resources
- Active involvement in Chamber of Commerce and area business conferences
- Special programs at the Carol Stream Library including seminars for unemployed residents
- Reliable statistics about the increasing value of libraries in the 21st century
- Information about innovative programs and services at other libraries

Once you have a chance to read the many posts that Patricia Johnson and Nadia Sheikh have added to their Facebook pages in recent weeks, you will see all of the qualities that residents expect in their library trustees. Just like Jim Bailey, Bonita Gilliam, and Edward Jourdan, these candidates are all avid library users and their vision is to take our library to new heights with enhanced technology and ongoing support for the programs and services provided by the professional library staff.

Be sure to vote on April 9 to restore integrity, professionalism, and fiscal responsibility to the Carol Stream Library Board!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Take Time to Vote This Year!

The official date for the consolidated election is April 9, 2013, but informed voters know that they do not have to wait until then if another date near the election is more convenient for them. Early voting and voting by absentee ballot are two alternative ways of casting your vote for this critical election.

Be Sure to Register
People who are new to Carol Stream or residents who have not yet registered to vote still have plenty of time to do this before the election. You can register at the Village Hall, at Simkus Recreation Center, or even at the Carol Stream Library. You can do this any time before March 17. Late Voter Registration is also an option if you miss this deadline. Late registration must be done at the DuPage Election Office on County Farm Road in Wheaton from Wednesday, March 18-Tuesday, April 2.

Early Voting

Many residents have come to enjoy early voting privileges in recent years since they can choose the dates and times that are most convenient for them. There will again be several early voting locations open in the weeks before the election date, including a facility at Stratford Square Mall. The dates for early voting are Monday, March 25 through Saturday, April 6.

Absentee Voting
If you know you will be out of town on the April 9 election day, you can apply for an absentee ballot to insure that your vote will count in this important election. You can do absentee voting in person or by mail from Monday, February 25 through Friday, April 5. Here is a link to a page that contains all of the information you will need to know about the absentee voting process:

It is very evident that dismally low voter turnout at the last two elections is the main reason that Michael Wade and his extreme political allies were able to seize control of our Library Board. Please take time to vote for qualified and responsible candidates this year so that we can restore dignity and responsible conduct to our Board and a brighter future for our library!